People ask all the time, “NOW what are you doing?! I can’t keep up!” I mostly have no idea.
Last night I watched a Netflix documentary on the 33-month rise and fall of New York’s lush disco, Studio54. The owner guys had a WILD 70’s RIDE of sex, drugs and hard jail time. The Whitehouse got involved. One partner died of HIV/AIDS, the other went on (in time) to define for us the Boutique Hotel.
It’s ridiculous to compare my own experience with the magnitude of Studio54’s, but it was satisfying to examine someone else’s glam/gore mess, driven by youth + unfettered ambition + a pocket full of CASH. It reminded me of my production line, Momentum Handbag & Accessories, which seems like an eternity ago. I look back and wonder how that happened, wishing it didn’t hurt. It did! But not anymore.
Creative people hide really hard and put themselves out there with their work. Either way we get beat up, but I’m out of hiding now. Which brings me to a timid intro of Boathouse Mercantile, my new undertaking. The question was posed: “What will you apprentice yourself to, Win?”. The answer (this time) is PERFUMERY, starting with a TED Talk by Luca Turin almost precisely a year ago. I bought materials, mixed them, bottled it, designed labels, sold them to folks at craft shows – listened to my NOSE – while close friends cheered and acted as a gentle focus group. I went to LA’s Institute of Art and Olfaction to “drink from the firehouse of perfumery” under the kind direction of gifted scent artist, Spyros Drosopoulos. And so the cycle continues…
School was fantastic + a major deja-vu. You’ll notice in the pic a woman in red at the front. This is Barb Stegemann of 7Virtues. I knick-named her “Bad A- – Barb”, and watched her closely for a week. She took six days out of her B.A. schedule to drink from the same intense perfumery instruction, determined to learn the bones of creation for her current, amazing, international, philanthropic, Sephora-selling perfume line. She writes books. She sees photo opps. She instantly took her new knowledge to her sales force.
I used to drive myself so hard, but my shortcomings prevailed, and I’m fine accepting that I don’t have what it takes! …which used to be synonymous with DEATH. My biz coach Larry Briggs of V2A once told me that thousands of highly successful businesses are driven by Shame (capital “S”, but that’s a different post). I’m so happy that through honest work I’ve become “right sized”. It took “real recovery” and honesty with myself to admit that I don’t want to be what Barb makes look so easy. I’m satisfied with sticking to the artistry of perfumery and handbags (and now PAINT! Who knew?!).
Today I’m launching a smokey/oud/sparkly scent called E/L, inspired by a loved one. I kept the samples affordable in the hope that you’ll try it. I truly hope you like E/L, but if not, I don’t mind dying under a pile of it.
Love ya! (and I do)
BTW you can buy a red Momentum Handbag Linda Satchel on Ebay for $95 right meow! Which felt like I finally “made it”! And one more thing, so dorky: I have a studio and am 54! Hahahaha!!!